Always seemingly my least favorite holiday but it always turns out alright. Eventful big parties, everyone comes out, everyone very dressed up. Turned out good this year. Sophia is home, so good to see her and catch up even if it’s just driving to Starbucks and playing ping pong. She’s leaning into Palm Springs with the family which is exciting.
Still working hard. I enjoy the restaurant. It’s an easy way to work hard and focus on something without being overcomplicated. I love the hispanic kitchen and they love me. I really wish I knew better Spanish to communicate with them. We work around it with simple hand gestures and my small spanish vocabulary. By this point I usually know what they want from me or are gonna ask me. I can tell they like when I’m put on shift with them. It feels good to bring them their soda’s. It’ll be hard to leave this job soon whether it’s in time for tennis season, or leaving for college.