IT outage

yesterday there was a hugely impactful I.T. systems outage at such a scale that the catastrophic effects, across so many industries and facets of our lives, the extent of loss truly can’t be calculated. It was almost like the uneventful y2k had lashes out of the blue some 24 years later. Planes were grounded. Hospitals couldn’t function. Bank accounts seized up. Corporate network users got the Blue Screen of Death. But despite first reaction, it wasn’t a cyber attack. Literally it was just a patch being rolled out by Crowdstrike across a wide swath of Microsofts public cloud. They identified it quickly but the damage was already done. That was yesterday and recovery is still ongoing for many organizations. Delta was amongst those hardest hit. Thousands stranded thru cancelled flights. Steph and Jules amongst then. They ended up switching to Southwest with a wuick layover in Dallas. If all goes well I’ll pick them up at the airport tonite. It is crazy making. A trip to Boulder they’ll never forget


Justin and fam just left early this morning. Jules is at the lake wake surfing and doing 360s by sunset. What a life. Steph gets a quick breather before resetting for her next adventure. Taking Julian to Boulder! I bet he falls head over in heels in love with it. I did.
I’m not on this trip. Just mom and son this time to tour the schools.We picked a nice airbnb close to Pearl street. And used our “superhost” bonus to take $100 off.

more to come 🏔️ ⛰️

4th of July

it’s hot out there no breeze running thru the trees. dogs soaking up the A/C Detroit gave us a fireworks show to remember. then again at the Braves game Friday but tonight is Roswell’s night. till then just gonna lounge by the pool have a cold beer. listen to some good music. and raise a glass to the freedom and fortune to be in this country 🇺🇸


things at home have quietly shifted since Steph stopped working. i notice we’re doing a lot more housework together. She’s been on a tear lately washing the windows. I’ve been a machine myself spreading out over 60 bags of mulch. We swapped some computer stuff, so she now has the family Mac and I have the new Dell monitor. We’re eating lunch together. Watching the second season of FARGO. Julian comes and goes. Sophia fills our void with crazy adventures from Austin. It’s like a calmness is starting to settle. Over our home. Our finances. Our lives

ryan adams

Steph and I went to see Ryan Adams last night at the Tabernacle. Front row of the loge. Pretty sweet seats. He played a full 3 hour set. Just an aging rocker dude with assorted guitars on a dimly lamplit stage. Between songs he interwove tales of sobriety. The loss of his brother. And some kind of friendship betrayal with Judd Apatow. He came off as quirky and irritable. But quick witted and well read. Kind of a thinking man’s rock star. Another friend who was there (female) said he was very dysregulated.

Still made for a cool date night. We should go to more live music. Brought back fond memories of when we went there to see Tracey Chapman. 🤘 🎶 🎸

car accident

we’re back from a great trip to Michigan. But what I really want to write about is the car accident Jules got in with my car this morning. I wasn’t there. Steph was. And the actual details don’t matter much. Save for no no one was hurt. And no other car was even involved. Sounds like he simply hit a wall in close quarters trying to get out of a parking lot.
that to say I didn’t take it well. almost like I’m the one who needs to apologize. I think it’s ok to show emotion. Whether that’s being mad or upset or frustrated. But it didn’t leave any room for Jules to express how he was feeling. Which I’m sure was ultra sad. Remorseful. Sheepish. And probably really scared. Of me and my reactions truth be told.

which is total opposite of what we both need

I’m sorry this happened to you son. I know you didn’t mean it. You are and remain an excellent driver. I’m glad mom was with you today. And thank you for getting the estimate. We’ll talk it all thru later. But for now, I love you so much and just wanted to put it in words.