Sophia goes home tmrw

It’s been a quick but really nice visit with Sophia. She’s been sleeping with the dogs upstairs, faithfully brining Remy down at 5:00 in the morning for his ritual pee. Daylights savings time changed last night so it must have felt extra early. Julian went to yet another Halloween party last night so who knows where his head is at. The afternoon was leisurely and all about brunch with the Fickle Pickle crew. Sophia’s first job and still to this day, a meaningful part of her being. Again, I wasn’t crazy about the idea at first but with the help of a little Sunday jazz, we got in the swing of things and put together a solid breakfast for the chef and his family (they have 6 kids!). Now Jules is at work and Phi and Steph are at a Billie Eilish concert. I’m having a much-enjoyed beer while sitting on the patio, thinking how nice, if only for a spell, to have my 4 Reese’s pieces under one roof.

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